Assistance assigning a certain function to keyboard button

HuhHuh Maybe I’m thinking too hard on this one, but I got myself a Harmony Hub and I’m trying to create an activity. What this activity is supposed to do is

1. Open KODI
2. Shuffle play (with repeat) a certain album*
3. wait 10 seconds
4. Go full screen with the player
*Straight from the home page

My problem is that I can’t even get KODI to play straight from the home page. For this, I created a workaround.

1. Open KODI
2. Go to Music folder
3. Activate directional button sequence LEFT UP UP OK
4 Activate directional button sequence LEFT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT OK

What this does is it opens the music folder, hits the side menu, activates party mode, waits 10 seconds, then goes full screen.

The problem here is that it only shuffles 10 songs, while my goal is to shuffle EVERY single one of them and have repeat as well.

If anyone is still reading this. I need help simply assigning a certain artist to shuffle play when I press an assigned key on the keyboard. This way I can clean up the activity so it isn’t doing that much. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.