Unable to turn off Subtitles / Settings Set won’t reset/change

Hey All,

So, I was on 16 (Jarvis), and we (the family) were watching something that was difficult to hear, so I turned on ‘subtitles’ (from which menu, I can’t remember)… for the next few things we were watching, the subtitles were on, and I kept saying “I must go in and turn that option back off”, but I kept forgetting, and connected in with Kore, swiped to the left, three dots, turned them off, wasn’t that bad, so I kept doing it.

Then 17 came along, I updated, and now I can’t turn them off at all, the menu/choice, I can’t find and then the settings I put seem to stick, even with clicking “Reset these options to default”, etc. (I’m now on 17.1, the system info shows that)

I tried to install and then uninstall a subtitle addon, thinking that might do it, nope.. I ticked the option “pause while downloading subtitles” and while there was an addon, that worked, but as my ‘solution’ didn’t fix the issue, I turned off the subtitle add-on, and un-checked “pause while downloading subtitles” and yet, the items I’m watching, still pause at the beginning.

The subs are NOT hard coded into the item, as if I remote into Kodi from the laptop using VNC, I can press L and they say “disabled”.. I even tried the choice (somewhere, I can’t remember where, maybe in on screen menu) were you can choose “disable on all” or similar, but that didn’t fix it either.

Is there a file, or location, to do with the subtitles that might have had the permissions changed during an update and anything I change is not sticking?

I’m happy with putty, if I need to remote in on the backend and delete/change, etc a file?

While it’s only a small inconvenience, it’s driving me nuts, as I can’t fix it. Angry