Reloading python add-on code and debugging it

Hi all,

my python knowledge is not so advanced and I am new to Kodi add-on development. I wonder wether it would be possible to get a couple of features to speed up the development process: code reload and debugging.

For the first point, I’d like the code of my add-on to be reloaded after I edit it without having to restart Kodi manually every time. As anyone found an easy way to accomplish that?

Regarding the second point, I’d like to attach a debugger to Kodi so that I can get error messages and/or warnings more easilyand have a closer look at the situation when things don’t go as you expect. Is there any way to do that?

I know that both things can be done by using Eclipse and Pydev, but unfortunately that’s not an option for me. Any alternatives?

Thanks in advance for your support.