alt key modifier not working in kodi 17.1

Running open elec 8 , krypton 17.1 on raspberry pi 2.

Here is my .kodi/userdata/keymaps/keyboard.xml

<left mod="alt">subtitledelayminus</left>
<right mod="alt">subtitledelayplus</right>
<left mod="ctrl">RunScript(special://masterprofile/keymaps/</left>
<right mod="ctrl">RunScript(special://masterprofile/keymaps/</right>

here is the debug log I enabled

19:39:15.772 T:1946722496   DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x6a, sym: 0x0113, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x100
19:39:15.772 T:1946722496   DEBUG: OnKey: alt-right (0x4f083) pressed, action is PlayerControl(tempoup)
19:39:15.872 T:1946722496   DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x6a, sym: 0x0113, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x100
19:39:15.922 T:1946722496   DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x38, sym: 0x0134, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0
19:39:32.664 T:1946722496   DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x38, sym: 0x0134, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x100
19:39:32.664 T:1946722496   DEBUG: OnKey: alt-leftalt (0x4f0d4) pressed, action is
19:39:32.815 T:1946722496   DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x69, sym: 0x0114, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x100
19:39:32.815 T:1946722496   DEBUG: OnKey: alt-left (0x4f082) pressed, action is PlayerControl(tempodown)
19:39:32.915 T:1946722496   DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x69, sym: 0x0114, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x100
19:39:32.949 T:1946722496   DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x38, sym: 0x0134, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0

It seems pressing alt+right or alt+left isn’t doing anything .
Can’t figure out the reason.
Can you help ?

Let me know if any detail is required.