[WIP] ConnectControl for Spotify

Hey guys,
I just wanted to share with you what I am currently working on. It is a Frontend for Kodi to control a Spotify Instance using the new connect endpoint of the official Spotify webAPI.
You can control any type of Spotify connect enabled Programm (like the official ones or for instance librespot or spotify-connect-web).
Currently it only shows the currently playing track in a nice, for the TV optimized way and provides standard playback control (and the ability to chose which device to play on and to save the current track to the library)

Take a look at some pictures:

[Image: connectcontrol1.png]

[Image: connectcontrol2.png]

Hope you guys like it!

Here is the github repository with all the necessary instructions: https://github.com/NicolasHaeffner/plugi…ectcontrol