Is anyone on here running TVHeadend on a Raspberry Pi?


I am currently considering running TVHeadend on a Raspberry Pi as opposed to my headless server – one of the reasons being that having switched over to Linux, from Windows, I have had nothing but constant trouble trying to get sleep mode working.

I could just leave the server on 24/7 but that is going to be quite a hit on my electricity, unless I upgrade some of the hardware.

I have read lots on using a RPi for recording purposes, as they sip electricity and can just be left on permanently.

I currently have internal tuner cards in my server, so I realise that I shall have to swap these for network tuners like Silicon Homeruns. I need four tuners, so would have to get two of these.

Two things that have also been puzzling me:


Is it better to record to a Hard Drive connected directly to the Pi or can you record to a server (which can be woken up via WOL)?


The Pi’s 100Mb ethernet connection worries me, as well as the low spec CPU and 1GB Ram. Will it be able to handle recording/streaming multiple HD streams?

Any advice from anyone who has tried this would be much appreciated.