Can someone spec out how to ALPHABETIZE FAVORITES?

Clearly I am not the only person trying to figure out how to do this so if someone would take the time to provide a clear, step-by-step (and not assuming we all know all the buzzwords) instruction on how to edit Kodi Kypton 17 FAVORITES, it would be greatly appreciated. I know it has something to do with editing .xml files. I know you can use ADB Fire to do this but I do not want to start the process unless I understand the precautions as I do not want to mess up my config now that it is working so great. But the “tiles” or “thumbnails” used for Kodi Favorites are so cumbersome that they are unusable. (I used to use CHROMA and that at least provided a “List View” instead of Tiles which made finding your show or movie so much faster)

So how do I take a Firestick 2nd Gen and safely find the .xml file (where is it? where do I go to find it” how do I then copy-to-edit it?) and then how do I edit it to become alphabetical? And then what do I do to move it back in place so that it will work? Is it ADB Fire that I use or is there an easier, safer way to do this?

PS: I also found this posting from somebody who at least took a stab at helping those of us wanting this fixed, but it doesn’t come near to fully explaining each-and-every step in the process. And it leaves a lot of “knowledge assumptions” as to what expertise and understanding some of us may have. HERE’S WHAT HE WROTE: “It would be a nice idea. If you’re comfortable mucking about with .xml files it’s easy with notepad++ though – just open favourites.xml, select all but the top and bottom lines, edit > line operations > sort lexicographically ascending > save.”