Indigo emptied out Kodi

A few months back I installed the Indigo Maintenance add-on in Kodi. Kodi almost immediately started failing to perform. I uninstalled Indigo. After upgrading to Krypton, I realized I was still having issues related to the Indigo install. I Unistalled Kodi completely and even tracked down some loose Indigo files and deleted those (Required extra effort due to “Administrative Rights” not being had on a single profile PC). My current issue is that no matter what I attempt to install through the Fusion Repository, the only source under “Install from zip file” is “plugin.program.indigo-1.0.4”. I’ve also noticed that where most people have “start-here”, I have a “begin-here” instead. Is this also an after effect of Indigo?

Please advise me in where to go in order to fully wipe Kodi and all possible traces of Indigo. I’d love to just start over I feel defeated at this point.

Indigo Effects…