Kodi with ir-keytable (without lirc) not working correctly


I’ve a media center PC running a minimal installation of Ubuntu 17.04 and Kodi (started as systemd service with xinit).

Everything is working, except for my IR remote. Some buttons like up/down/left/right/play/back are recognised, but other buttons like stop, info and the number buttons are not recognised.

ir-keytable -t outputs the correct keys like KEY_OK, KEY_LEFT, KEY_STOP, KEY_CONTEXT_MENU or KEY_NUMERIC_1. I’ve already tried to remap some buttons to KEY_1, KEY_I, etc. but that didn’t help either.

I’m using a imon-pad remote receiver with a Logitech Harmony which worked with LibreELEC before.

ir-keytable outputs the following:

Found /sys/class/rc/rc0/ (/dev/input/event12) with:
    Driver imon, table rc-imon-pad
    Supported protocols: other rc-6
    Enabled protocols: other
    Name: iMON Remote (15c2:0036)
    bus: 3, vendor/product: 15c2:0036, version: 0x0003
    Repeat delay = 500 ms, repeat period = 125 ms

Am I missing something?