Kodi naming scheme for movies with two dvds

I’m about to give up on movies with two dvds. I cannot get these to show up in Kodi. I have all dvds in one folder. Under that folder, each folder is named by “Movie (Year)”. I have a movie with a dvd with the movie and another dvd with extras. I have tried the following folder names (under each folder are Audio_TS and Video_TS folders).

Movie Name (Year)-cd1
Movie Name (Year)-cd2

Did not work. Tried this:

Movie Name (Year) cd1
Movie Name (Year) cd2

Did not work. Tried this:

Movie Name cd1
Movie Name cd2

Did not work. This seems to be what is recommended here:


In this case, I could delete the second dvd, as it just has extras. However, I have other movies where the movie itself is split over two dvds.

Is there anything else I can try? Is there a setting I should check?

I just upgraded to the latest Kodi version.

Thank you.