Customize Xperience

I want to change somethings on Xperience1080 :

1-Remove ‘Standard Mode’ and ‘Standard Skin’ , and replace them whit ‘Classic Mode’ and ‘Flat Skin’ by default.

2-Remove ‘Weather Menu’ with all components.

3-Rename ‘Application Menu’ to ‘Games , and move it and HomeScreen before Movies and after Home:

4-Change default blocks on Movies,TVShows,Music , from this :

▀ ██ ▀
▀ ▀▀ ▀

to this :

▀ ███ █
▀ ▀▀▀ ▀

5-Change new ‘Game Menu’ blocks looklike other , and connect it to ‘Custom Launcher’ add ons , to show some recently used games and most played games.

i know basic programming rules , PLEASE HELP.