Changing individual movie paths

I’m running an SQL server for my movie database and I’m trying to update it manually so that it reflects the movie files that I’ve moved.
So for example my folders start with:



and folders now look like:



Now in the SQL database, I have updated the movie.c22 column to the correct string/filepath however the movie path isn’t recognised when playing “1.mkv” in Kodi. I believe this is because in movieview.strPath it still shows it as the old path/folder “Movies1”. I can’t use an update query on this view because it is a join off the path table and it will change the entry of “Movies1” to “Movies2” which will then make 3.mkv and 4.mkv unplayable.

Does anyone know how to recreate or “refresh” the movieview view to show the correct strPath without modifying the path table?

Edit: The reason I’m doing this manually on the SQL database is because I’m moving a heap of files and don’t want to rescrape the metadata as well as lose my watched/unwatched statuses. I’m also running a multiuser database so if I rescrape the movie, other users’ watched statuses of that movie would need to be saved and re-imported. Therefore if I can just modify the master tables, none of the user tables will have to be touched.