Can’t delete Movies, TV episodes, or Shows


My general setup is I have a shared library with 3 raspberry pi clients and one windows client; Android tablets also connect. Files are on a raspberry pi NAS. MySQL Server running on another raspberry pi, version 5.5.44-0+deb8u1.

Everything works extremely well except when it comes to maintenance. Once added, shows and videos cannot be deleted from the video database – no error message. A couple of years ago I used to be able to delete, now no delete.

Now when I need to clean the library I have to create a new one, losing any watched state data. To recap, creating, reading and adding work – deleting does not work.

I have a second MySQL pi configured, and it shows the same behavior. It’s been like this a long time, with xbmc and osmc, and multiple versions of Kodi.

Anyone else experience this?

Thanks, stavraki