Restricting movie access views

I’m a recent convert from Mediaportal where I used a movie manager addon called my movies. This allowed me to set a restricted view of movies on startup (in my case only family/kids movies) then after entering a pin all movies became visible and I was able to access them.

I’ve been looking to do something similar with Kodi, the addons I’ve had a look at are password sentry and parental controls, the issue I have with both is that the restricted content is still shown in the movie list and a pin is required to play, whereas with my movies the restricted content wasn’t shown until a pin was entered. My caveat on that statement is that I’ve not installed either password sentry or parental controls but read the related wiki on how they work so may be I’m missing the ability to do this within the detailed settings.

Is there another addon out there that is recommended that would achieve what I’m after?
