You are both talking about different things.
Think of it this way. In many paint programs you have a tool that allows you to make squares, rectangles, circles, ovals, arrows and many other shapes automatically.
The way the tool works is it normally draws a rectangle but if you hold shift it will lock the aspect ratio as you resize the square.
OP needs to understand that the black bars serve the purpose of filling in the blanks for people who want to be able to watch a movie (for example in a quarter of the screen) in a window that doesn’t match the aspect ratio or on a mobile device that does not match the aspect ratio of the video.
However it could be useful to be able to resize the window holding shift which would preserve the aspect ratio as it resizes. This would have to be implemented across operating systems separately.
In short the OP is looking for a button to press that will resize the vlc window using a preserved aspect ratio.
You would do this by auto changing the height to match any horizontal movement and the length to match any vertical movement.
EG 1920×1080 pixel window.
Width of window changed to 1440 pixel
height auto changed to 810 px.
16/9 * 1080 = 810 px
obs you would calc on the fly not at the end of the movement.
Statistics: Posted by scratch — 30 Apr 2024 16:08