Issue with scannig/pause & files stopping before the end

Using NVIDIA Shield Pro – One of the custom Kodi builds as seems to work better w/ DV


I’ve been having two issues that happen sometimes but not all the time!

1. The less common but most annoying is the video suddenly stopping shortly before the end, if I navigate back to the same point, same thing happens, suddenly back in the menu screen. 

2. Other issues is more common, really struggles to scan forward, the further forward I try and scan the longer it takes to buffer, sometimes just completely freezes. Struggled with this file to get back to the point where the previous issue happens in order to recreate it for the log. Also if its left on pause too long it won’t be able to resume – need to pee very quickly! 

Anyway, if anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it! I’m pretty dumb so please go easy on me, hope this is posted in the right place and the log works ok, kind regards