Displaying specials within seasons while leaving order in "specials" unchanged

I’m facing a seemingly simple problem. A TV show has many specials I have in a specific order. I want to show some of them in both the specials season and at the end/start of numbered seasons.

This should be easy with the <displayseason> and <displayepisode> tags, however once I add those in the NFO files the placement of the episodes within the specials season changes.

An example:

An episode is named S00E08. It shows up in the specials season on 8th place. I add <displayseason>1</displayseason> and <displayepisode>14</displayepisode> to its nfo file and refresh the episode. Now the episode shows up in season 1 in 14th place but, for whatever reason, it also ends up being listed as the last episode in the specials season (while still being called S08). I don’t want that, the placement within the specials season should remain unchanged.

This is the same on two different devices (an Android phone and a Windows 10 Laptop) on all user profiles.

Why is that? And if this is intended behavior, is there a way to prevent this from happening?