ATTENTION ALL OMEGA USERS: Testers needed immediately, please click in here FIRST!


Disregard any issues that you may be seeing me having with Madnox and Kodi, Mike has been graciously spending a lot of his time giving me a hand and he needs immediate feedback or else this could go well into Summer or early Fall based on his schedule.

While I will continue to work towards getting new updates out for all that has been seen, NONE of that has been lost, we are trying to sort out internal issues on my hardware to see why I’m getting slow results. I have found a few threads and possible solutions, but those are in process and are secondary to Mike’s request for some immediate feedback to his current milestone build to sort out issues that I have not had a chance to handle and more insight based on his experience in the core etc.

Please click this link and a DIRECT LINK is provided for you to “install as zip” to see how things work on Omega. Please try it and provide feedback IN THAT THREAD so we can keep track of your feedback.

Thank you for helping us get Madnox over the goal line to keep it up and running on today’s and tomorrow’s Kodi.

LINK Mike’s post #204 with zip file:…pid3196652
