Old Repo Kodi 16 v.4

Hello new user here..

I have this problem: I have a standalone audio/video mediaplayer based on mini-PC with Ubuntu and the program which operates the unit is Kodi 14 V.4 .
Kodi can’ t be upgraded (since it is a modified version and the latest installable on this device is 16.4) and I can’t basicly do anything with this (installed Youtube and ogher programs don’t work, can’t download the CD infos from CDDB, can’t connect to internet radio etc…)… I can only eip CD on the internal HDD, use Airlay to listen to music feom the Iphone (when it works)… I think the repos installed in this device are old and that’ s the issue… I tried to install new repos from URLs I found by searching on google but none seems to work…
Has anybody an idea on what I can do to make it work again..? Do you know a reliable working repository I can try ro install in my unit to see if it solves the issues..? Thank you Regards