best software route for Kodi with equalizer/REW correction ?

I’m a bit lost, trying to get an equalizer or even REW correction working with Kodi. I don’t know what distribution to pick, and if I go with Alsa, Pulse or pipewire.
So far, I learned the following:

  • OSMC has a plugin which works as equalizer, but they don’t support x86/x64 hardware. plugin
  • libreelec doesnt have the alsa support baked in and doesnt allow modification of the OS. they run ALSA and pulseaudio only for bluetooth devices.I can install the PulseEqualizerGui plugin, but it looks like I have to reconfigure the entire audio setup to  work with pulse. I want to avoid so much manual configuration. 
  • I can run a vanilla OS with kodi on top, but the OS integration is lackluster. on xubuntu the OS keeps changing the resolution, I tried two different ways to disable password login. I tried pulseaudio-equalizer and qpaeq but it requires reconfiguring as well. I could try pulseeffects
  • I could try kodi in flatpak wich has pipewire supports
  • I can give up and just install Windows and equalizerAPO, which works for my desktop