Batch Processing Decompiled Texture File for >>>> (Resource Images Studios Coloured)

This thread is to help support lynxstrike texture file with images sizes that are out of size compliance. You may choose to use and modify this if it suits your needs to other projects as well.


Install Irfanview, completely free, no adware, no BS, completely free.
x32 here:

x64 here:

Install context menu plugin for Windows (allows right click, push images to program feature > important for image selection over large sums)…plugin.exe

Save these two configuration files somewhere you can easily point to them when the time comes to parse the image processing part:

(Right click > Save as!)…0Width.ini…Height.ini

Open Irfanview, pick an image, any image, on the keyboard, press the letter B to bring up the “Batch” options. Use the following two images to setup the options EXACTLY as you see in the images below:



In windows explorer, you will need to have the “dimensions” column turned on which is typically not active by default, open the folder where all the decompiled images are, in the right pane, right click, where it says: Name, Type, Size > Mouse over > Right click > Select “Dimensions”. If Dimensions is not a listed option, at the bottom of the context menu > Select “More” and then select dimensions from there. You will want to then sort all the images by dimension.

The two .ini files deal with the two obvious cases of which is bigger than which… the not so obvious is when the dimension are equal like 250×250. You can use the Width Larger Than Height.ini for that case it will work as expected yielding the 161×109 when it is complete.

I don’t want this text to be to long in tooth, so the video will make it clear as to the remaining guidance of what will happen and the remaining workflow. Some of it will be obvious, some not so much. 

Side Note: Irfanview and Irfanview thumbnail seems kind of “clunky” with the context menu operation, but that is legacy from way back to their early days but if you’ve used it as long as I have, it kind of makes sense workflow wise and it clears the noise of windows explorer and allows selective control over the files and how to push them neatly into Irfanview’s batch operation for fast and easy manipulation without having to do it manually and leaves no room for error by doing it in this method. After you’ve done it for quite a while, you will find that it provides some good piece of mind and confidence in the end results. I have a website that used this method with over 200K image files, as you can imagine, there was no room for dupes or mistakes. Enjoy the vid.