Skins • Re: Is there a dark version of the default VLC skin?

I have found that there is a beta version for VLC 4.0 and this has dark mode available built in. Although it is a work in progress and is by no means completed it does seem to provide me for what I want which is dark mode.
Sure, there are glitches on startup (one error window that pops up in my case) but once you close the error window it does not affect playback. I am really liking the new format.

You can find the VLC 4.0 beta here:

Yeah, I mentioned in this thread three years ago:

The VLC 4.0 nightlies *do* have a night mode under the View menu, but the interface in general in 4.0 is a big change, so it’ll be interesting to see how much of an approximation of the classic interface we can get on it.

I haven’t checked back into the nightlies lately, but, I assume it still has a very different design than people are used to?

Statistics: Posted by mmortal03 — 11 Jul 2024 21:23