duplicate episodes

Hi all,

This is an issue I’ve had for several months now, but I can’t work it out and wonder if there’s somthing obvious I am missing.

I organise shows with Medusa and watch with Kodi.

My shows are on my NAS, and the media source in Kodi points to smb://NAS.lan/Videos/TV

When indexed my shows appear with URLs including NAS.lan in them.

When a new episode is organised, the whole show ends up duplicating in Kodi. So all episodes of that show will appear twice, once with URL smb://NAS.lan/Videos/TV/Show/Season/episode, and the duplicates with smb://NAS/Videos/TV/Show/Season/episode

I used to have notifications in Medusa to pass shows to Kodi. I have turned that off. Kodi only has 1 source confirgured for my TV shows.

I do have Kodi using a mysql DB on a 3rd machine – but there’s no other Kodi currently using it (in order to troubleshoot this problem, but when there was it was using a copy/pasted media sources file so shouldn’t have a different URL).

Is there anything weird that would explain why Kodi (if it is Kodi’s fault) that would read shows with both NAS.lan and NAS ?

many thanks