ATV 4 Not Loading – Youtube

Hope I can get some help here.

I’m not sure if i’ve run into a bug with Apple TV or Kodi. Basically what i’ve observed is that my installation of Kodi on my ATV4 won’t allow add ons to connect to the internet, or takes much much longer than usual (compared to when it did work on), whilst every other app on ATV or any other device for that matter has no problem connecting to the internet. take for instance Youtube, i can get through the menus of the add-on but I cannot sign in, browse channels, or even perform a search. pretty much everything i tried to do will result in the action timing out, i.e. “please wait…” then goes back to the menu… so i can’t even watch any videos from Youtube

not sure if this is the right way to do it but here is a pastebin of the log

yes, this log is of an older build, but i’ve been side loading old and new builds alike and no change. I’ve also tried the same with TVOS 10, i’ve just gotten tired of plugging and unplugging my ATV so just left it on 9.2 and this july 13 build.

This only started to happen about a week ago for no observable reason, literally just came home one day and i couldn’t load anything.

Things i know for sure:
1) its not my internet, i have 100mbs down and everything else connects quick and easy, i.e. phone, computer, apple tv
2) its not the apple tv, per se, as all other apps can connect and stream no problem
3) its not any specific kodi build, per se, because i know for a fact that all the builds i’ve run up to the july 30th build had no issues like this until about a week ago.
4) its not the add on, as using the same add on like Youtube on the kodi on my computer runs fine.

My thought is something triggered a setting change or file structure change and no matter what i do i can’t reset it… I tried resetting the ATV, installing Kodi with and without add on updates from various build dates with no luck. So basically

Thanks in advance if anybody can help