VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting • Scene Video Filter doesn’t work properly-messed up

I have version 3.0.20. I have an MP4 video which was made from still pictures, one picture every 15s at 24fps. The video is a side by side 3D 4k format with frame size 7680 by 2160 to accommodate the two 4k left and right images. I set the recording ratio to 320 (15*24). When I open the file and the playback starts at the first frame that image is output, but subsequent png images are zero length, but the sequence numbers are correct 361,721… The first image looks correct but its size is 7680×2178 with the default values of -1 for the width, height. I can set the actual size to fix the size problem, but it still outputs zero length files. If I press pause, it continues to output a string of zero length files with the correct sequence numbers. That stops if I press “stop”. If I start playing the MP4 from the first frame, then the first frame is outputs, but if I start it from another frame all I get are zero length image files.

If I convert the MP4 to an MP3 AVI, the filter seems to work as it outputs image files in png format with the actual images. However, the images are spaced approximately 36s apart, not the desired 15s, but with the correct sequence numbers. If I test my two videos in sequence first the MP4, then the AVI, the AVI only outputs zero length files.

I tried changing png to jpg, but it continued to only output png, so that feature is obviously not yet implemented.

This filter is very inconvenient because I must run VLC as administrator.

I have tried this filter with an MKV movie file and it seems to work, but I have not tested whether it actually outputs the correct frames. All of the video files seem to play correctly. So there are some major programming problems with this filter. Some piece of data is probably improperly overwritten in MP4 format which then makes the program get incorrect data. It is likely an overwritten pointer. Yes, I am an experienced programmer, but I do not want to try to dig into the guts of VLC during my retirement.

Statistics: Posted by jclement — 30 Jul 2024 18:10