VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting • Re: VLC Player not playing back silent interludes properly in streams using Ogg Vorbis and FLAC if bitrate is 0bps

I have found a temporary external workaround which stops this problem occurring.

1) Create a 30 second sample of white noise at amplitude 0.000015 in Audacity and save it as FLAC. Audacity will quantize it at a level of exactly -90dB even though it’s at almost -96dB.

2) Place the FLAC encoded sample on one of the Sampler pads on VirtualDJ and edit the pad so that the sample plays back as a loop.

3) Click on the pad to activate the loop and keep it active while you are playing music. This will cause the Ogg Vorbis encoder in Edcast to force the bitrate to 75Kbps which stops VLC Player from thinking that the stream has stopped on encountering zero samples which causes it to stutter and buffer silence until the track has started playing again above -infinity dB or the interlude on a classical music composition has elapsed and the orchestra starts playing the next movement.

Using the FLAC encoder on Edcast will not cause the problem if the encoded bitrate is higher than 0 Kbps.

There is clearly an issue in the way Ogg encapsulated streams are processed by VLC Player and other media players including the ones built into Chromium/Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and even SM Player which causes all of them to stutter, repeat the last frame or more of audio, and/or stop playing and buffer silence whenever they encounter 0 samples (-infinity dB) in an audio stream.

If this is intended behavior then it is badly thought out. Why allow the player to stutter when a track goes silent?

If the developers of any of the above mentioned players or others are reading this can you please remove this behavior from your player. When zero samples are encountered in an Ogg stream the player should play the intended silence as intended. It should not stop, not stutter, and not buffer the silence, and then playback the buffered silence for its entire duration the moment the sound resumes at above -infinity dB doubling the duration of the silent interval in the process, which was never intended to be part of the original performance/recording, before playing back the resumed audio from rest of the streamed track or performance.

Statistics: Posted by Argyros — 07 Aug 2024 21:42