All my HD movies show as SD

Greeting KODI forum members!

Here is the scenario:

I just built my RPi 3 and am running KODI, I also have KODI installed on 2 windows machines on my network.

I built the RPi to replace my aging WDTVLive.

All my movies are in native DVD format (IFO/VOB) and shared from my server. The movies are all high def when played through my old WDTV Live.

But when I play any of them through KODI on either Windows or the RPi 3, they show as SD and the image doesn’t look as good as that on my WDTV Live.

I’m new to KODI and Linux, but have 25+ years as a PC/network tech. I’ve scoured the settings (yes in expert mode) and I cant find anything to help.

This new RPi with its quad core CPU surely should outperform my 7+ year old WDTV Live… right?