How to use HDHR3-US tuner in Kodi on a Pi?

Been going through lots of efforts to try and mess around with the stuff I have to make it work, but it seems every turn there’s a new obstacle.

I’ve been mucking around with a Raspberry Pi 3, trying to make it into something that could be a useful TV/music device in the kitchen.  

I have an HDHR3-US tv tuner on my network, works great.

Today I put together a case and LCD, and get things powered on, and – the HDHomeRun add-in doesn’t see my device.

And then I dig around and find you don’t support the HDHR3-US tuner!  Well, ain’t that a kick in the teeth! 

I absolutely despise forced obsolescence.

So I am quite frustrated to find with further research, that apparently Kodi DID work with the HDHR3-US, in version 15.2.  But that a decision was made to remove the functionality of this.

Basically – this is participating in forced obsolescence.  Please give me one good reason I should be forced to replace a perfectly working device, with a new device that does the exact same thing, and litter the landfills with working equipment?

Anyways, whatever….current version isn’t working with my device.  Yet another setback due to lack of standards and compatibilities with just about everything and anything I try to do.  Whatever.

So, if Kodi 15.2 does it, and it works, I’ll just use that version.

Except, I’m finding no way to setup a specific previous version of Kodi on a Raspberry Pi.

So, please, explain how I can use my tuner on my pi with Kodi.

If it means installing 15.2, explain how I can do that.

If there’s some other new fangled way to make it work in Kodi, please explain.
