Profiles, MySQL and watch status only

since probably more than a decade I’m using Kodi with MySQL and only the MasterProfile. 
Since I have several Kodi machines (PCs and Android Boxes), all is fine. Everywhere I have all movie, serie, music and a consistent watch state.

Now I would like to introduce several profiles for the only sake of having different watch statuses.
The target is to have 

  • One single movie and music library. Updated only from the MasterProfile
  • All stuff watched with all the family members together to continue to use the MasterProfile
  • But introducing 1 individual profile per family member
    • so that each member watching alone whatever movie, serie would have his/her individual watch status not touching with the MasterProfile watch status
  • And each profiles would be ideally available in all Kodi instances machines

I have read the the wiki about Settings/Profiles, Profiles, UserData and advancedsettings and also searched in this forum. I have to admit i’m not confident to succeed
I’m sure I can succeed to have a different complete DB per user and his profile. But I would like a mix of this. 1 video library but a watch status per user

Also, looking into the DB tables of myvideos_xmbc_131, I fear there is nothing to handle what I want.

Anyone knows if what I would like to setup could work? And if yes, how to make it safely?
Thanks in advance