
Hello experts,

I am experiencing difficulties with video playback in conjunction with display rate change.

My settings:
+ fullscreen
+ 6s delay after display rate change
+ display rate change on start
+ initial display rate is 60Hz

This is what happens:
+ start a video on youtube 
+ display refresh rate changes as expected
+ after delay, video plays for about 2-3s
+ playback gets interrupted, display goes blank
+ display returns
+ playback resumes after about 2 more seconds

This happens on ca. 75% of all playbacks. With display rate change off, playback is uninterrupted.

My resolution whitelist:
Generic PnP Monitor #1: 1920×1080 @ 60.00Hz
Generic PnP Monitor #1: 1920×1080 @ 59.94Hz
Generic PnP Monitor #1: 1920×1080 @ 50.00Hz
Generic PnP Monitor #1: 1920×1080 @ 30.00Hz
Generic PnP Monitor #1: 1920×1080 @ 29.97Hz
Generic PnP Monitor #1: 1920×1080 @ 25.00Hz
Generic PnP Monitor #1: 1920×1080 @ 24.00Hz
Generic PnP Monitor #1: 1920×1080 @ 23.98Hz

I found this thread and tried the suggested soliution, with no improvement.…isplayLost

Normal videos play back without interruption. However i see CWinSystemWin32::OnDisplayLost events so I included the logs for this as well.

Test case 1: fullscreen window

Test case 2: true fullscreen

Test case 3: normal video (movie) playback

Test case 4: display rate change off

I hope you can help. Cheers!