How can I migrate KODI on Ubuntu from Nexus to Omega?

I recently upgraded my Ubuntu install to 24.04.1 LTS (Noble Numbat).  After doing this, I noticed that my KODI NEXUS install wasn’t running as crisp as before, so I decided that it was time to upgrade to OMEGA.

KODI was originally installed back in the day with PPA, but since that solution has been retired, it is time to go to FLATPAK.

When I install KODI from FLATPAK, it installs the latest OMEGA build.

Can I have KODI from FLATPAK upgrade my existing NEXUS install?  I tried copy files from .kodi to .var/app/tv.kodi.Kodi/data/, thinking that OMEGA would think it is running for the first time after an upgrade, but that didn’t work.

Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Is there away to install FLATPAK NEXUS, and then copy my existing PPA NEXUX install into the correct location, and then upgrade to FLATPAK OMEGA