Music Video Source Not Adding To Library

Trouble adding Music Videos.  Using an Nvidia Shield Pro. I have not used XBMC for a long time.  But I have my old files.  Trying to take it slow and do one category at a time.  Music Videos first. 

I see Music Video says I have no library.  I go to files.  I browse till I can see my music video folders.  I select that folder named Kodi Music Vids.   On the next screen I change “none” to music video.  I scan using local info only.

Each music video is in its own folder.  It looks like this:

B52s – Love Shack.mp4
B52s – Love Shack.nfo
B52s – Love Shack.tbn

The path is (\\SHIELD)(S) .> Music >  Kodi Music Vids > B52s – Love Shack

On the Kodi Edit Video Screen the path is:
/storage / emulated /0 / Music / Kodi Music Vids /

I can browse to the folder via files.  I can see each movie filter and when I  scroll I can see the fan art.  But it still says nothing in my library.  I tried scanning for new content but no luck.  I thought every time I started Kodi it would auto scan for new content.


Did I post for help in the right place?