how does fadetime work??

howdy, I am trying to do a crossfade transition between images I have in a list.

I used the example from the wiki but it’s not behaving the way I understand it. In the wiki it says “… The previous image will be held until the new image is ready, and then they will be crossfaded.” but that’s not what happens. There is a black image in between the two images I have in my list. I know it’s the black from the background. Do I need to make the background invisible? Not sure what i need to do.

Can someone help out? Thanks!

<control type="image" id="1">
<description>My first image control</description>
<texture border="5">mytexture.png</texture>
<bordertexture border="5" infill="false">mybordertexture.png</bordertexture>