How to modify my folder structure by modifying the database file

Hi – I’m using Kodi 21 in Windows 10 Pro.
I typically browse movies in folder view (by clicking ‘folder > files > (my media drive)’. But the folder view was screwed up after using the default python scraper (some of my folder names were automatically modified (to movies that are similar to the original folder name, but which are not even in my collection)).
I’ve got my database file open in DB Browser (a SQLite modification tool). I can modify movie names just fine. But can’t figure out how to modify the names of the folders that were modified by the scraper.

This problem originally occurred because, when I was setting up the source/scraper, I selected ‘each movie is in a folder of the same name’, and ‘scan recursively’ (when I didn’t use those settings, nothing was scraped at all).
On my media drive, folders are named by movie genre. Each genre folder contains movies in that genre, each of which is in a folder of the same name (some are there without their own folder, however).
So I understand why the scraper is getting confused – I just don’t know how to fix it.

This also seems like a design flaw, because the file/folder view should (ideally) remain unchanged by any database updates and/or manipulation (IMHO that’s what file/folder view is for: to browser your drive using the exact folder structure that is on the drive itself).

Thanks for any help!