Intel NUC 847 (Celeron)

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I have an Intel NUC 847 (Celeron) running Kodi 15 (under Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) perfectly. It plays everything perfectly.

However, this computer won’t play online video (e.g. a Comedy Central show from their website or an Amazon Prime video from their website [with a proper paid subscription]), worth a damn. Kodi will play 1980×1080 30fps video without a hiccup in an hour, but the online video can’t seem to do better than 4fps with frequent audio freezes. And this computer has a wired connection to a network with a fast internet connection. For comparison, my notebook (using a wireless connection) plays the same online videos without a hiccup.

So what’s the deal?

I realize that Kodi playing a video that’s stored locally (on my LAN) isn’t the same as streaming video, but why is this soooooo bad? And what can I do to make this better? I’m open to anything, whether it’s installing some addon to Kodi to play these videos, switching browsers on my computer or even dual-booting into Windows.

(edit: changed Ubuntu version to 16.04 from 14.04)