Funnly little issue

Hi – Fairly new to TMM – goot hooked and donated (and have been running happily for some time now…)

FYI – i run the nightly builds (i like to test new things….)

I have a complete TMM with lots of movies and shows – and everything scrapes as it should… Open the program, updated to latest build (3-10-2016) – looked for any new settings… – Hmm, the setting with Memory – Hmm why not try and give it all it can get (i do have 16gb of memory – and not much running on the pc, so wwhy not allow TMM to have some extra working memory) – Restarted the TMM, aaaaand it didnt start again…. Confused

tried a few manual updates, and checking if any settings was visible that i corrupted – and the logs didnt show much that was instantly easy to read for my limited TMM knowledge

Hmmm, it could be the build was borked, waited til today maybe a manual update of a newer build could fix it!! – But then today I needed to add some scraping of another movie, that was detected wrong – i downloaded a new clean version in another dir. it worked fine – even with same version… tried to set that new d/l version with the same memory change to max memory limit of 1536Kb – it too then didnt start – Hmmm – what file was changed –> the extra.txt – and it only contained the Java -Xmx1536m setting…

Hmm, could it really be that simple !? – I then changed the extra.txt from my previous borked installation to -Xmx1024m – And lo and behold, it could then start up without problems – all my scrapings and settings intact…

So today i learned to NOT mess with the TMM memory settings Angel

LOVE the program and love the the addition of the new KODI Universal scraper – LOTS of new contents for the directories – even if i dont use KODI normally (Just did an installation to check what it could get additionally ! –> Need the same for tv shows Wink

Looking forward to better PLEX support which is my primary mediaplayer on my AppleTV4