Kodi skip forward/ skip back freezes


I am a newbie with Kodi, but have used NextPVR for several years. In general, I like the Kodi client’s smooth play capabilities and I think it is a very good addon.

However, one thing I have noticed with the Kodi client that doesn’t seem to be an issue with the NextPVR client is that if I try to skip forward or skip back too fast/often with Kodi (3 or 4 times in a row), Kodi locks up/freezes and I am unable to recover unless I reboot (OpenElec/LibreElec) or kill the Kodi task in Windows task manager. This happens to me on multiple clients, whether Windows-based or Linux-based. Has anyone else experienced this? Is this a known Kodi issue or Nextpvr addon issue or is it me?

I am running NextPVR 3.8.3 on server and Kodi 16.1 on clients.
