Need answers from estuary devs


Since my last “talk” with Phil65, I restart working on something I already try a few weeks ago: making estuary work on 21:9 screens

I know nothing about skinning and I still try to understand what is the use of each xml file and each line of code so it will probably be a long work…

The goal is to have it included in kodi so I have a few questions for Phil65 or any other dev working on estuary:

-what should be the goal?
1-make xml files in the 1080i folder work for both 21:9 and 16:9
2-make a new folder for 21:9 xml files that will work only for 21:9

-if the previous answer is 1- , will it be possible for me to send you test files as I do not have a 16:9 screen anymore?

Thanks for you answers or any other help