Random ExtHDD Disconnects

Hi Everyone While watching videos on Kodi, my ExtHDD connections resets randomly and the playing video stops and I am returned to the library screen. By reset I mean I hear the windows sound signifying new harddrive connected then after 1-2 seconds th...

(V16/V17) Kodi crash on startup with NVIDIA Card

Hi everybody, I encountered above mentioned problem, after a fresh Windows 10 and Kodi install. I couldn't even once access Kodi-Homescreen. Only splashscreen and an error message. (application has to be closed....) Actually, I solved the issue by n...

Sonos addon

Any help guys would be helpful! Trying to add sonos addon but keeps saying use robweb set repo. Cant find it anywhere


Hi My config - frontend on RPi2 with mpeg2 HW decoder enabled OSMC 2016.08-1 Kodi 16.1 VDR VNSI Client 1.11.19 Backend on Debian Jessie vdr 2.3.1 vnsiserver 1.5.0 (using protocol 9) No problem with video/audio, its working perfectly, but no EPG. Some...

Repo pull request time frame

Could anyone from the Kodi team kindly provide an average time for pull requests to be merged? I have had a new addon sitting for over a week with no comments, and see some almost a month old for Jarvis not being merged. I do see other versions of ko...

Filename sort order (Local non-Eng language)

How to get Kodi to display my (video) files sorted correctly according to my language (Croatian) character set sort order? I do not use scrapers or library. I use only the filenames of videos saved to my server or recorderd by TVHeadEnd (and saved to ...

Iptv or Kodi on Netispot


Im living in Poland, and i have kodi on my Android
Smartphone and also on the PC. My TV is not Smart TV
But is connected to a netiaspot média player, which is
Connected to the internet and Tv. Using ethernet port and HDMI for the TV source.

My question, is to know if there is a possibility to run my iptv m3u filé on this netiaspot box, or install Kodi?

I have plugged a pen drive to this mediaspot box but doesnt seem to read the file of m3u from iptv playlist. Only reads, photos, vídeos or músic files.. can anyone help me?

Thank You!


Hi I wonder and hope someone can help. just setting up my kodi and I am trying to enable tv. I am getting a message which says I need a tuner.backend software and an add on for the backend to be able to use PVR can anyone assist. Josie.

Pi2 + HIFIBerry = HDMI and Audio output

Hey Guys, Need some help to achive my network. So I connected my Pi2 (OSMC) to my TV via HDMI, and my TV to my amplifier. If I dont want to turn my TV on whenever I want to listen music can I attach a HIFIBerry, and than connect to the 2nd channel on ...

Apple TV 4 t0mmo0´s common stuff problem

I have a applte TV4 newest bios update and KOdi 17 newest build

I have a problem that some of my addons dont work since some days.
I found that the t0mmo0´s common stuff addon or what ever is not installing.
Where can I get a working version of it ?

help for picking up the right box

Hello every one, Long time user of kodi i'm looking for a box to replace my dune bdprime 3.0. I'm tired of using yadis to keep my interface in sync with my database. The dune is plugged in the living room on my main tv and i want to replace it. I hav...

3D and other flags

hi again @jingai

Very much loving the work going in to the new skin, been very impressed with how smooth it is and the extra functions you are building in. I have been pondering on a couple of bits and wondering if I could make a couple cheeky requests for your consideration.

Atmos / DTS-X codec flag

Within the skin there are various area where codec flags are displayed.. would it be possible to add a simple filnename variable along the lines of .atmos. and .dtsx to allow for those codecs flags to be displayed. Kodi doesn't recongnise them natively as they are simple TrueHD or DTS-HD tracks with additional meta data.

I have used this in the past...

<variable name="MediaFlag_AudioCodec">
<value condition="IsEmpty(ListItem.AudioCodec)">$INFO[VideoPlayer.AudioCodec,flags/AudioCodec/,.png]</value>
<value condition="SubString(ListItem.Filenameandpath,.atmos.)">flags/audiocodec/atmos.png</value>
<value condition="SubString(ListItem.Filenameandpath,.dtsx.)">flags/audiocodec/dtsx.png</value>

Then added .atmos or .dtsx to the filepath in the same way you would 3D etc.

Along the same would be the 3D flag.. am struggling myself with this one and am wondering if its just a simple case of renaming all my files... and adding 3D at the end.. am not a big fan of asking for something to be added for the sake of it! The only way I could think of is to use a resolution variable and add a additional flag.

Animated wallpaper

Hi @jingai am not sure the best way to get this to you... but... these are the changes required for animated wallpaper support. I have tested this on Kodi 17 Beta 1 and skin build Metropolis 3.4.0rc2. I have only added it to the List Viewtype as am not sure it fits any where else... will leave that to your decision.


Added at line 699 to script/extras

<control type="image" id="741">
<control type="radiobutton" id="742">
<label>Animated Posters</label>
<control type="radiobutton" id="743">
<label>Animated Fanart</label>

Added at line 495 to Viewtype_list.xml

<control type="image">
<texture background="true">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.AnimatedPoster)]</texture>
<texture background="true" fallback="DefaultThumb.png">$VAR[PosterThumb]</texture>
<aspectratio scalediffuse="false">stretch</aspectratio>

Added at line 5 to home.xml
