Randomly Play Next Episode with Specific Tag

Hi All, I'm pretty sure there is no way to do this but I figured I'd ask. If I have 30 shows tagged with a particular tag. Is there a way for me to randomly select a show that has the tag and play the next unplayed episode (i.e., the order matters so...

Plugins via web-interface?

Hey everyone, longtime plex user here, and I've become very interested in some plugins (wont say which one, as im not sure if you're allowed to)... but a few things about kodi have confused me and googleing has only gotten me so far. MY main question i...

Beginner Addon Developer

I'm looking to create an addon on Kodi, but I'm brand new. I've searched up some basic info and YouTube tutorials looking into Python, which is probably what I'll be using to develop it. My main question is that I probably will use VLC to stream. How w...

Legal live tv streaming

There are a bunch of live tv providers in the US.. PS Vue, DirecTV Now and sling tv. I really want stable IPTV, without all the shady illegal providers. Are any of these streaming services compatible with Kodi? What are my options?

Kodi 17.1 causes screen to flash

I haven't been able to find anyone else who is having quite the same issues as I am. When I install and launch Kodi 17.1 when I'm in the app it's causing the screen to continuously flash on and off every few seconds. The screen will go black for a co...

Can I control KODI with my phone?

Hi I use Krypton 17.1 on my Windows PC, I have no remote control and was wondering is it possible to use my Android smart phone as a remote somehow? (Moto G on Android 5.1) thanks

aeon nox cannot write path to background

I can select the background in the skin but Aeon nox fails to write to a folder. I am seeing special://home/userdata/My media folder/chosen background error is "Unable to save menu" I believe the path should also include "profile" to write to the use...

Change remote key mapping

I have made a new install of LibreELEC on RPi 3. This system takes place of my old Ubuntu/XMBC HTPC built on ASUS AT-3 IONT-I. However, the old ASUS had a usb remote. I tried to plug it in and it works out of the box. My trouble is one single key mappi...

File path / location of video files?

In my opinion Eminence is the most attractive skin out there. Just one thing I have not been able to figure out. How do I display the file path / location of a video file? Other former skins displayed this information with the I key. Any way ...

Remove movie and TV lists from Home screen.

Is there a way to remove the widgets and junk that give the home screen a browsable video list when you highlight the Movies or TV shows button on the side bar, with out removing said buttons. I'm looking to have nothing but the side bar menu, a single...

Western and Martial art addon

hi top of the norming to you fellas i have a minor set back and i hope one of you good fellas on the site can help me solve it. can one of you good fellas on the site take some time out and assist me. can one of you good fellas on the site tell me what...

GitHub vs gitlab

Is there have use GitHub rule for add-on? I am thinking of using gitlab as I can keep it private until I am read to open it up.. if I do that when I submit to the official repo do I have to move to GitHub or can I continue using gitlab?