No System icon

Hi Folks, I've installed Kodi 17.1 on a Windows7 laptop. On the home screen, I don't have a System icon. An

window property in animation

Basically what the title says i want to make sure I am not doing something wrong. I have a window property of I want to use as a static variable in a animation. Simply put Animation effect slide start 00 end window property,0 some condition Is th...

annoying blinking icon always there

Hi folks, I have this annoying icon in the top center of my kobi screen that will not go away. It is an almost complete circle with a speaker icon inside. Can you tell me what i am doing wrong? Thanks

Trying to upgrade to KODI 17.1 Krypton

I have a MBox running Android v6.0.1. It has KODI 16.1 Jarvis and I am trying to upgrade to KODI 17.1. I am using adblink to load the apk file. I keep getting this error: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS] I have tried all three apk files x86, ...

Spotify Playlist – Music Videos

Hi everyone. Does an add-on like this exist at the moment. Specifically if I play a playlist on my spotify account and on my kodi it plays the accompanying music video?

Question about add-on driving menu

I just tried the CDTV Infusion buildand I like how it suggests movies and when you select the movie there is all kinds of information. I would like to install whatever add-on powers that but install it without installing the entire theme. Does anyone...

Get all roles for an artist

I was looking at the "all contributors" library node, and it seems like it would be useful to show the union of all roles for each artist as a listitem label control in the UI, but I don't see any way to get this. scott s. .

Unfortunately, Google Play Store has stopped.

Hi folks. You've probably noticed that I'm just starting off here. Unfortunately I'm with a dilemma, figured It's Kodi related. I bought myself an Android TV box, not exactly cheap. Anyways, I've done a hard factory reset on it. Installed Kodi 17.1 fr...

Using 2nd monitor/tv

I searched the forum but I couldn't find this topic. Here's my setup: 22" monitor - res: 1680 x 1050 32" TV - res: 1360 x 768" OS: Ubuntu 17.04 w/ Gnome Kodi version: Kodi 17 (Krypton) Can you guess what I want to do? I am not sure but the re...

How to Make Fallback Widget work the Same as in V1?

Hi all. Thanks for the great skin! I really like it. I have recently upgraded to Kodi 17, and so forth with V2 of the skin. What i'm trying to figure out is how to get the Fallback Widget on the Home page to function as it did in V1. Which is Spotli...

Please need help on videoplayback

Dear Kodi's experts, I use Kodi on windows 7 on a notebook. It works greatly but I am desperately looking how to have the following and common buttons on kodi's videoplayer: 1. volume bar 2. mute 3. toggle fullscreen Any media player ever created ha...

JSon return for Smart Playlist and PseudoTV Live

Hello developers, I am a huge proponent of PTVL Live and would like to find out what is going on with what I understand is a change in Json that severely affects the use of PTVL. For some time now, it has been impossible to get TV shows to parse the "...

Bug – IPTV Simple Client dll error

I Want to include some new stuff for EPG, but dll for Windows is damaged when compiled. Windows version of Kodi V-18 Leia (Kodi compiled Apr 18 2017 by MSVC 190024215 for Windows NT x86 32-bit version 10.0 (0x0A000000)) version of IPTV Simple Client i...