Any recommended IPTV subs for sports

Hi guys, can anyone recommend any subs for sports, in particular looking for something for the boxing on saturday. I currently have a zgemma but as alot of the channels have gone missing recently looking for alternative sources. Thanks

List movies that do are not parsed

Hello I find the fact that the movies which can not be found in the database not be listed really annoying. Instead of using the movies section I use the Videos section as it lists all my files. Can you add an option in the parser to just list the file...

Build System for cross-compilation

Hey Developers, Getting a windows based build system ready for cross platform builds- using VS17 and CMake proves to be full of obstacles. Having made sure to get the dependencies with correct versions, CMake Config spits out errors: pastebin

Only rename movies / files without movie folders?

How could I selcect / batch rename only the movies / files / fan-art, etc. which do not have a single movie folder but are stored in one movie folder which also contains movies with single movie folders and single movies? So I do not want rename the mo...

Seasons/shows not coming up

When I enter a show a screen comes up with files/playlists/video add ons. This has happened before but when I exited out it fixed it self. What can I do? Thanks Sent from my iPhone (typie typie)

Experiencing sound and picture glitches playing video

Strange things. Using the latest version of Kodi (Version: Kodi 17.1 Git:20170320-fc1619b, Build: Mar 20 2017). While playing video files I experience sound and picture glitches (or micro-freezes). This happens after some time passes. The video and so...

Can’t figure out why episode won’t scrape.

Already posted on OSMC forum and was referred here. (original thread: Debug Log here: My issue is a TV Show, and not an obscure one either. I just added 4 episode...

Accessing EZeeCube External HDD remotely

I connected an 8TB Western Digital My Book to my EzeeCube after failing to have kodi not crashing when updating the library if it was a shared drive on the network (still does it, but that's another issue). Currently I have FTP access to the 2TB drive...

make-mingwlibs.bat can not perform

hi, it is me again , i only have a question, why my make-mingwlibs.bat can not perform and my computer is 32bit ,so i already do the "set msys2=msys64" to "set msys2=msys32" on it anybody can tell me why~~? thank you very much

Banned Scraper Question

I want to apologize to the admin on my question of a banned add-on (scraper) I mentioned. I am fairly new here...have asked some questions here and there but certainly not wanting to break the forums rule and there was no intent . Lesson learned.

iOS 10.3.2 Not Supported by Kodi

Good evening, Just wanting to let everyone know that the Kodi app on iOS 10.3.2 beta isn't working, as it is still 32 bit only on iOS. If someone is willing to do an x64 build, it would be much appreciated. Thanks, b

Network Share Locks Up System

I recently switched from Win7 to OpenElec on my HTPC's, however, my main PC is still a Win7 system. I have 1 folder on my PC shared to my HTPC, and my systems are all connected via network cable, not Wi-fi. Basically a dump folder, where i watch video...

How _not_ to disable the screensaver?

I'm finding lots and lots of threads about preventing the screen from turning off, but I want to do exactly the opposite: _Not_ to disable XScreensaver while Kodi is running. The reason is that I'd like to run Kodi in the background on a normal deskto...

Can’t stream from my router to my RPi3!

Hi Friends, I have a problem and I've ran out of options, so, here I am. I have a WRT1900ACS with a 2TB HD connected and streaming contents. Then, I have a RPi3 connected thru wifi from my Living room.If I'm on my bedroom and I open videos on my LG ...