Series incorrectly placed under Soulmates: The Series

Since a few weeks random episodes are added under the series Soulmates: The Series. I've never had this serie and also do not have any folders with this name. An example of the structure is as follows: Code: Series   - Superior Donuts &nbs...

x,y position

I know will probably not be possible as I have not read it anywhere yet.. but is there a way to know the x coordinate of a focused item in a horizontal list. Reason I ask I have a list of items of different widths and once it reaches say 0,500 I want ...

Windows PC -> Chromecast

Hello all, newbie here. Synology NAS in office primarily for serving video content. I was running their 'DS Video' on android tablet for some time and streaming to Chromecast directly from that; works OK. For reasons, it's more convenient for me to ...

ProjectM Crashes Kodi on Ubuntu 17.04

Hi All, I've just moved over to Ubuntu 17.04 with Gnome3 Desktop from Windows. I installed Kodi using ppa:team-xbmc/ppa. Kodi its self work perfectly, when I install the ProjectM visualisation from the same repository and load it, Kodi just exits! Ca...

Bluetooth remote not working inside kodi (raspbrian)

Hi I have a bluetooth remote (fire tv stick). I've paired it Inside rasbrian but once i launch kodi it doesnt control anything, the key rebinder addon doesnt even pick up the inputs. I know its working as it can control the raspbrian pixel GUI. Im ho...

Picture from URL?

Question: Is it possible to use STRM files (didn't work for me) or otherwise access an image from reference / link? the short version is I have a few security cameras that offer the ability to pull a jpeg image from the live feed via a url. E.g. ht...

Kodi Divorced Me

System: Windows 7 SP1 Issue: Kodi 16 worked flawlessly. I finally decided to go with 17.1. Got that Addons27.db bug. Followed forum instructions to remedy. It worked like a charm. During add-ons activity all was going smoothly until I made what might...

Grouplist focused position

Hello. I have a grouplist(vertical) filled witth fixedlist(horizontal). The lists is filled with dynamic content. Can i somehow make ta focused position alway vertically center of screen. Thanks

No Sound on Kodi 17.1

Hello, Been using Kodi and all of a sudden I have no sound. I am running it on widows 10 HTPC and a Sony receiver. Everything was fine but now I have no sound. Kodi is not muted and I get sound from everything else. I have pass-through enabled. I ...

Q: Adding additional mediasource possible ?

Is ist possible to add additonal media sources (extend the initial installed list providing TV up to unknown) somehow? I would i.e. add own-DVD to differentiate DVDs created by myself from public available DVDs. Thanks for a feedback. McM

settings not use first time after set it …

Hi, This is a move of an existing topic not put (by me) in the good forum ... I have write a program launcher plugin (in python) adapted to a NAS environment ... to be able to start Chrome (with URL or not, in App mode or not), firefox, any NAS HDMI ...

Preview pictures does not show right

Apologies if this was discussed before, I failed to find this. When I open a list of movies the preview pictures do not correspond to a right movie, for example God Farther shows a picture of Once Upon in America and La la land of Titanic. That is af...

Blue Pixelation and Audio Dropouts

I am running latest updated version of OSMC on RPi 3. A problem started to appear recently where there is blue (not green) pixelation that becomes very obvious during dark scenes but is also becoming noticeable during regularly lit scenes. It almost lo...

computer dead

Hi all My mom was watching tv on Kodi. She switched to another tv program and Kodi got frozen. She forced computer to turn off with power button. Now when I turn computer on, I see only black screen. Not even windows logo at startup or anything else. O...