Handling changed strings

this might be a better question for the Translations area but it applies to translations within addons so thought I'd start here. Just wondering how other people are handling when strings change within their addons, with regards to translations. As a...

Android T95(x) difference??

Hey I see a few boxes with the s912 octo setup that are T95 followed by various letters. Does anyone know what the difference between these are? T95R, T95Z, T95K Pro, T95Z Plus, T95V Pro, ........they seem to all have the same basic features from a m...

fanart from playlist

Hi there, I was wondering whether it is possible to set up Kodi 17.0 with Aeon Now skin to show the fanarts of just the playlist? I've set up a few homescreen buttons referring to playlists, like kids movies and regular movies, but when tapping over ...

KODI 17 doesnt recognize MX player as external player

New kodi 17 doesnt recognize mxplayer as external player. Older builds <17 all work with MXplayer with the playercorefactory as HOW-TO:Use_external_players_on_Android (wiki) MXplayer hasn't changed but kodi doesnt seem to recognize it so something...

clean load

I am running kodi 16.1 (win 10). how do I clean my box and reload with 17.1

kodi 17.1

I have android box running 16.1. If I update to 17.1 will the Addons I have installed still work

Android tv and Kodi

Hello. until Saturday I had kodi on my philips tv android (4.2) i was watching my iptv and suddenly I was thrown out of the app. After several attempts to have rebooted the app (what i could not) i was looking in the play store and it is just vanished....

Sony Bravia TV display off screensaver

I developed a screensaver plugin for Sony Bravia Smart TV's which will turn the display off when the screensaver kicks in. This will reduce the power consumption in my case to about 18W instead of normally 30-60W Tested on a 2015 Sony Android TV. In th...

Video Levels Which Combination?

AMD Radeon HD 5450 latest driver installed , Windows 7, Kodi 15 Isengard Panasonic TX-58dx750b. I am confused as to the best way to set video levels. This version of Kodi defaults to full rgb, TV is limited, so currently I have it set Full, Full, L...

Smart Playlist and Play Next Video

Hi, i tried to figure this out myself, but if someone can provide any info i'll be great.
I'm using smart playlist to play certain tv shows/episodes, works great.
However, option play next video automatically doesn't work, i can't skip to next episode in playlist
If i understand playlist correctly, option 'play next video automatically' shouldn't even mater if it's a playlist.
But, i have 'play next video' setting turned ON, and it's not working.

I think problem might have something to do with <smartplaylist type="episodes">, because if i put <smartplaylist type="tvshows"> it works.

Is this a known issue or i'm doing something wrong?

Example of my smart playlist:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="episodes">
    <rule field="path" operator="contains">

Kodi 17.1 + Windows 10 x64 + DSPlayer 32-Bit

Hello togehther, i'm a new kodi user and have installed kodi 17.1 on my win10 x64 system. hornestly i'm not satisfied with the interal codecs of the kodi player for live tv and videos. (no possibility for HD-Audio and Dolby Digital Plus) i have read ...

Shield crash

After updating to kodi 17.1 my nvidia shield randomly turns completely off. Its been happening Aproxx. Five or six times. I can see that spmc fixed a "nvidia crash bug". Anyone with a solution.