this code work until 'éèàïù....' char are inside the KODI Label 
json_result = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method" : "VideoLibrary.GetMovies", "params": {"filter":{"actor":"%s"},"properties":["thumbnail","year","file","art","imdbnumber","cast"]}, "id":1 }' %(xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.Label")) )
under web browser work nice :
Quote:{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"VideoLibrary.GetMovies","params":{"filter":{"actor":"Laurence Arné"},"properties":["thumbnail","year","file","cast"]},"id":"1"}
but not inside my python code with xbmc.executeJSONRPC...
utf, utf8, ascii , encode, decode...all's a nightmare with python !
May be someone know how to get the actor id and not the name ? it would be a solution for me.....
Someone can HELP ME ?