New Kodi crashes, super mysterious
Not sure why it keeps crashing, it told me I had to download the new update to work. here's my paste for my log---
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Not sure why it keeps crashing, it told me I had to download the new update to work. here's my paste for my log---
I have an old m box running helix 14.1 with firmware 4.2.2 I kept getting notification to update to 17.1 or else problems will start. My unit worked just fine but I uninstalled 14.1 and tried to download 17.1 as per several You tube videos. Then I find...
I guess this question has been asked and answered a number of times, but are there any plans to implement AC3 transcoding of audio output from Live TV in Krypton? Or any PVR clients that will be able to implement this? TIA
Hi all, New to forum so excuse me if this is posted in the wrong area.I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions on possibly setting up my hp slimline 260-a010 for better performance? It has an i4 and 4gigs ram and win 10. My main gole is to ...
Hello,I have a frustrating problem. I downloaded Kodi Jarvis "on top" of my older version but every time I try to open it (when I click on the icon ) it comes up a box that wants to install it. The icon looks different now I think because there is a li...
I installed Krypton 17.0 on my fire tv and everything was working great. Got a pop up notice that I needed to upgrade to 17.1, which I did. Now when I try to go into Kodi, it tells me a new controller is detected. Configuration can be done at anytim...
I am using the Kodi nightly on a Ubuntu16.04 machine, and since a couple of days I realized that for most (90%) of my movies subtitles (all in srt-format) are no longer found and displayed. * Subtitles which displayed fine last week, are no longer sho...
At least that is what I think is (not) happening. I have installed ServerWMC and enabled the PVR WMC client, allowing firewall access and directories shared to everyone, but when I start Kodi the window at top reports scanning for PVR services then tim...
Hey guys Just upgraded and am having issues with my iOS remote Something's work fine others don't? For instance all the play fast forward etc.... work But I can't toggle subtitles of toggle the audio as I previously could - I have altered key maps to ...
My intent is to create a smart playlist for movies that are unrated by user. I found it was impossible to create a video smart playlist that filters on "my rating" (userrating). at least on my configuration. I tried to set a rule "my rating" "less th...
Hello, I've searched and no one has had this issue. So I have this issue with DXVA2 causing crashes the moment it is enabled. The image goes to green, then blacks out and windows claims that it has denied access to hardware for Kodi, This happens eve...
Is there a way to change the New, Resume, and watched icons in list view? They are really small and look very close to the same. The way confluence did it was much preferred. Nothing for unwatched, Play triangle for resume and checkmark for watched.
Hey forum, i have a question/request (i don't know if this is already possible) Is it possible to install Sling TV inside of Kodi itself? Rather than installing it on the FireTV stick. The purpose would be to not have to be switching from Kodi, to Yo...
I always cancel the Media Info scanning on my system as operating over the network it's glacially slow. This is due to the amount of image parsing that has to occur as it inspects various images. All of these images were downloaded by TMM so it seems r...
Hello, i work on this now for the second day and i really need some help: My Hardware: Mobo: MSI H81M-E34 - Socket 1150 mATX Board 4Gb ram CPU: Intel Celeron G1840 2x2,8Ghz 1x SSD 60Gb - Systemdisc 1x HDD 2,5" 500Gb DVB-S card: Technotrend Budget S2-...