Xiaomi Mi box

Did anyone tried to upgrade to Kodi 17.1 from 16.1 Jarvis? I've tried to download the file a few times but my Mi box can't seems to open the apk file. The Mi box is running at Andriod 6 and I had no problem using Kodi 14 to 16.

Samsung tab android 4.4.2

Hi I have a Samsung tab3 running android 4.4.2 had Kodi16.1 for ages no issues however I am now getting msgs saying I need to upgrade I have tried countless times and all I get is parse error downloaded from various sources and no matter where I get fr...

Minix Neo U1 64 bit

I have tried to install Kodi 17.1 (arm) 64 on my Minix NEO U1 - it does not install but if I use the 17.1(arm) that works fine. Am I doing something wrong? is it ok to have the non arm 64 version on my box? Any help would be appreciated....Cheers

Cross-compile for RPi2 on OS X 10.10.5

I have a Mac Pro Dual Quad Core 2.66 Ghz running Yosemite (OS X 10.10.5) and an RPi2 with Raspbian 4.9.17-v7+ #981 and Kodi 15.2. VBox is installed on my Mac and I can setup Ubuntu if needed. I would like to build Kodi 17.1 for the RPi2. I am aware...

Unable to delete post

I made a post in the wrong thread and tried to delete it only to discover that I was unable to: Did something go awry in the upgrade process? Or are we unable to delete our own posts now?

update install on two different pieces of hardware

I'm having issues updating Kodi on two different devices, hopefully someone can help me out (just a side note both devices are running Jarvis and I am attempting to update to the latest Krypton) the first one: I have a Firestick and was attempting to u...

Is the YES Network available on Kodi ?

My wife and I are looking into getting a firestick and installing Kodi on it. Im getting very over whelmed with all different info so Im hoping someone here can help simplify it for me. Is the YES Network available on Kodi ? If so is there anything spe...

Minix Neo U1 – Kodi 17 Question

I recently upgraded to Kodi 17.1, prior to that I have been using 16 without any issues to stream local content stored on a PC in my basement. The problem I have been getting is very annoying micro stutters whereas before the playback was always perfect.

I have done some reading through the forums and it would appear this problem is something to do with the Amlogic S905 in the U1. This isn't a $30 android box but probably one of the more premium devices out there. I was wondering if there is any fix for this issue. I would really like to stick with 17.1 but these micro stutters are kind of driving me crazy (OCD kicking in lol)

Thanks in advance for any help,



New Install will not start

Hi - I am new to Raspberry Pi (I have a 3) and new to Linux. I have a card with a fresh install of Raspbian Jessie and updated. I downloaded Kodi using - sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install kodi. It installed without error. It will not start. ...

Duplicate Icons in Videos Section

Hello. I'm running Kodi 17 with the Emby plug-in. Everything works great but when I select the Videos option, I see duplicate Emby icons. For instance, There are 2 Emby TV and 2 Emby Movies icons. Kodi did the same under Kodi 16. I can't figure out...

missing menu osd on video

Hello there ,I just installed fresh Dimitrology build on apple tv4 and I am missing osd ( video_playback (wiki) ) , before that I could access that thru my logitech remote , also I think I could be the problem with remote commands when playing video w...