Not buffering when paused (please read)

Hello guys ! First of all, thanks for all the hard work and all this community. This forum is a gold mine ! Hours of reading ^^ I'm using LibreElec on a Beelink MxIII.It works really great !! Lately I've been trying to remote access the files on my ...

Pro Sports Addon no stream available

I successfully installed the Pro Sport addon on Kodi v16.1 but selecting an MLB game in progress or completed informs me "cannot not find any streams on reddit. Can anyone advise me what the problem is? Thanks

How do I install Aeon nox warlion?

Hi, does Aeon nox warlion 4.1.9 work on all versions of kodi, or do I have have to upgrade/downgrade?, I tried to see what version I have but I could´t find anything in settings....

Update idea

I nice idea that came up on my mind is to be able to to add translation I dont know how but you should be able to add voices of your languages

Best setup for me

hi im looking to use kodi to replace my old movie server. i have had ago at this before but couldnt get what i wanted. could anyone help with some advice on the best set up for what i need. I use anydvd for my dvd's and blurays so there .iso and .bdm...

Newbie question About 3d and 2d

Hi guys; i have a stupid question. May be you can help me... Last night i was making a hd clean; and i found my son has a lot of 2d and 3d (1080p) version of the same movie. And Some othher with 2d and 3d video track (1080p ) into the same mkv contai...

Tvheadend setup: US HD broadcast

I found a decent guide to get started with using TVHeadend: however, I am stuck at adding the Network using US Broadcast channels. While I continue to search - would anyone happen to have any suggestions?

Change skin

Hi I'm am trying to change my skin on my firestick and when I click get more skins nothing happens

IOS Remote App no longer working on Kodi

Hi, Just found this forum and I'm hoping someone can help me. I have Kodi installed on a FireStick and usually use the remote app on my iphone as I can never find the proper remote! Yesterday when trying to use it, i started getting voice prompts and...

StopPVRManager / StartPVRManager

Hi, Have loved the MythTv addon for Kodi and been using it for some time. My OSMC install on a Pi 3 has recently auto upgraded from 16 to 17.1 and now the Start and Stop PVRManager functions don't work. I was using: Code: xbmc-send --action="StopPVR...

Mouse cursor should not move keyboard cursor

Hi, I'm sorry if this has been brought up before (I tried search but could not find any). I would be surprised if this has not been brought up before! Also, I'm not sure if this qualifies as a bug report, hence I post this here. In short: Moving the ...

Kodi 17.Probems with Hifi Berry Dac: no sounds!

Hi! I have successfully connected my RPI+HifiBerryDAC with Kodi,to my old hifi stereo system, but ...there is no sound,no music! To configure (in My OSMC / hardware support .. and setting / system / audio output ...) I followed this link: https://www....

tinyMediaManager First-Timer Question…

Hi. Downloaded, Installed, Performed Settings, Pointed to a Local Source and the lower right Icon of Getting mediaInfo just keeps scrolling back and forth (Windows) and Not Indicating any progress. Has been >14 Hours. Not sure if I have something...