Temperature setting.

Hi Guys, totally new to Kodi box so please be gentle. I am trying to get my weather app, (tried 3) but can not work out how to change from F% to C%. I'm guessing it is a system thing but can't find it. Can anyone help please.

iPhone app wake computer

Hi, I had the iPhone app working so that when I tried to connect to kodi it would wake up my sleeping computer, without having to use the wake on lan function. This was good because it allowed me to wake my computer even when I wasn't on my home netwo...


Hi , i had my previous post deleted but I think my request was misunderstood. I am not looking to get this service for free, I am a Corus subscriber , Global TV has the option of viewing their Live TV on their website with a login , the same as SportsN...

Resume Play back on a different box

Hi, Is it possible to resume play back on a different box? I Have two Shield boxes. I would like to know if I can start watching a movie on one box, stop and finish on the other? If it is possible how do I set this up? Thanks

OSD Timeout

Back in Confluence the OSD would disappear when you resume playing video however with Estuary the OSD take around 3-4 seconds to disappear after you resume. Could someone tell me what I need to edit in order to reduce the timeout as I have tried a few...

Upgraded Kodi and now have terrible flickering

Ubuntu trusty 64-bit running on: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24192687/ Full log with debug enabled: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24192697/ from apt-get logs: Code: Preparing to unpack .../kodi_2%3a17.0~git20170210.1529-final-0trusty_all.deb ... Unpacking ko...

Kodi crashs

Hello everyone, I am new to Kodi and I am having a problem with the music portion of the software. Every thing else works fine. When I try to access the music tab or even the music library in settings Kodi freezes and I need to restart to get out. I a...

TV Recent Episodes Widget

(Kodi Krypton v17.1, MQ7) I'm using the Recent TV Shows widget on the TV Shows main menu. With other skins, it would work for individual show episodes, but this widget just seems to go by whatever show was recently added. If I select the show, it ju...

addon.xml proper use of <res/>

Looking through the wiki, I don't think I understand the best practice for defining skin resolutions. From looking at Estuary, I assume using resolution-unique named folders is deprecated, instead the <res/> tag should be used? Is there an adva...


Just applied the update. Works perfect, looks great! Damn good job. Thank you Marcelveldt!

Blu Ray disc Files

Hello, I downloaded a demo disc, but instead of it being 1 .mkv file let's say, it is all the files that would actually be in a blu ray disc. Can I get kodi to play the files like this? Thanks

Logging videos watched

I'm working to implement a Kodi install that I can remotely monitor after the fact to see which videos have been played, and I'm looking for the best way to do this. Currently, the best I've found is that the log file notes videos starting and stopping...