Looping video long term

We are using looping process for an internal marketing message displayed on a TV. We figured out how to "Repeat" / "Loop" a video being played on Kodi via our Dolamee V5 android device (played from USB drive). However, video freezes anywhere from a ...

Please help me find Home button

Very newbie question...I am a senior citizen and have had Kodi Jarvis for a long time. I upgraded to Kodi Krypton this week on Windows 10...Where did the HOME button go? I know I can hit escape and go back to previous screens, but it only goes so far b...

Bad performance on 17 vs 16 – how to capture?

17 and 17.1RC1 are performing badly for me, especially when navigating menus. I reinstalled 16 and it is back to being silky smooth. I'm going to set up portable installs of each to gather debug logs, but I need something to show how many frames are b...

Debug crash?

At least once a day Kodi crashes I believe there is a crash file but when I open it it's in gyberish as far as I know. A lot of the time using the remote app on iPhone. Sent from my Nexus 6P (typie typie)

Kodi 17 wiki, where to find?

Hi guys, The Kodi wiki page has always been very helpfull to me. However with the launch of Kodi 17 Krypton, the Skin interface changed from default Confluence to Estuary. The looks of the interface is very nice and all, but the wiki page,how to go t...

decrease UI size?

is there a way to adjust the size of the UI? everything just seems huge, artwork, etc.. my screen is 1920x1080 and it feels 800x600 resolution.. just so much wasted space, for example, i can only see 4 movies per row on the home screen. is there a way ...

Kodi 17 Fire Stick

Updated to Kodi 17 (automatic update), now when Kodi is launched it crashes after 5 seconds. Any fixes out there?

Kodi stopped working

I had Kodi working perfectly on my iPhone 7 with ios 10.3 beta 4. It was installed with Cydia impacter. Well, I updated to beta 5, and low and behold, it's no longer working. It will not even install now. I guess Apple has blocked this. My phone is...

KODI behind pfSense problems

Hello All I have recently set up a pfsense firewall so all my traffic goes out via Openvpn. I have a Windows 10, Android Box and Openelec clients all pointing to a mySQL library on my Windows 10 PC. When I run an update the THETVDB.ORG scrape works ...

theTVDB.com down?

As of 10 hours or so ago, http://www.thetvdb.com is down and of course scraping of new shows and episodes does not work anymore. Does anyone know how long this might last? Is there a way around it?

Is TVDB Down?

i have been trying since last night to scan my library and i keep getting "unable to connect to remote server".....cant find any info about outage.